Month: March 2022

An Incentive for War

Context In 2003, I asked the diplomat Sir Jeremy Greenstock at a dinner in the House of Lords, what role free access to Middle East oil and gas had played in the decision to invade Iraq. At the time, the Segmented World Model was in its infancy but even then, the importance of the ‘three […]

Written by on 27/03/2022

Xi’s Red Line

Context The Segmented World Model is made up of four world narratives: ANXIOUS, EMERGENT, STAGNANT and DIVIDED. At the heart of each is a description as to how the world will respond to the newly emerging Imperium, the three global drivers: increasing population, rising levels of pollution and depleting resources. The 26 parameters that currently […]

Written by on 21/03/2022

‘Crossing the river by feeling the stones’

Context The foreign policy of the SINO-Block is governed by five principals of peaceful co-existence, outlined by the former Premier Zhou Enlai, in 1953 Mutual respect sovereignty and territorial integrity Mutual non-aggression Non-interference in one another’s internal affairs Equality and mutual benefit Peaceful co-existence SINO-Block’s position until now has been to emphasise the need for […]

Written by on 14/03/2022

Avoiding an ANXIOUS WORLD response to oil and gas sanctions

Context As the RUSSO-BLOCK steps up its military action in Ukraine, the alliance of countries opposed to the invasion – 73% of the UN Assembly (Resolution 68/262) – seek to avoid direct involvement through increasing economic sanctions. The main untapped target are oil and gas imports from Russia that provide a daily income to the […]

Written by on 07/03/2022